399 research outputs found

    A decidable quantified fragment of set theory with ordered pairs and some undecidable extensions

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    In this paper we address the decision problem for a fragment of set theory with restricted quantification which extends the language studied in [4] with pair related quantifiers and constructs, in view of possible applications in the field of knowledge representation. We will also show that the decision problem for our language has a non-deterministic exponential time complexity. However, for the restricted case of formulae whose quantifier prefixes have length bounded by a constant, the decision problem becomes NP-complete. We also observe that in spite of such restriction, several useful set-theoretic constructs, mostly related to maps, are expressible. Finally, we present some undecidable extensions of our language, involving any of the operators domain, range, image, and map composition. [4] Michael Breban, Alfredo Ferro, Eugenio G. Omodeo and Jacob T. Schwartz (1981): Decision procedures for elementary sublanguages of set theory. II. Formulas involving restricted quantifiers, together with ordinal, integer, map, and domain notions. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 34, pp. 177-195Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    A Decidable Quantified Fragment of Set Theory Involving Ordered Pairs with Applications to Description Logics

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    We present a decision procedure for a quantified fragment of set theory involving ordered pairs and some operators to manipulate them. When our decision procedure is applied to formulae in this fragment whose quantifier prefixes have length bounded by a fixed constant, it runs in nondeterministic polynomial-time. Related to this fragment, we also introduce a description logic which provides an unusually large set of constructs, such as, for instance, Boolean constructs among roles. The set-theoretic nature of the description logics semantics yields a straightforward reduction of the knowledge base consistency problem to the satisfiability problem for formulae of our fragment with quantifier prefixes of length at most 2, from which the NP-completeness of reasoning in this novel description logic follows. Finally, we extend this reduction to cope also with SWRL rules

    Conserving biogeography : habitat loss and vicariant patterns in endemic squamates of the cerrado hotspot

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    Little is known about the threat levels and impacts of habitat loss over the Cerrado Squamate fauna. The region is under severe habitat loss due to mechanized agriculture, accelerated by changes in the Brazilian National Forest Code. The Squamate fauna of the Cerrado is rich in endemics and is intrinsically associated with its surrounding microhabitats, which make up a mosaic of phitophysiognomies throughout the region. Herein we evaluate current conservation status of Squamate biogeographic patterns in the Brazilian Cerrado, the single savanna among global biodiversity hotspots. To do so, we first updated point locality data on 49 endemic Squamates pertaining to seven non-random clusters of species ranges in the Cerrado. Each cluster was assumed to be representative of different biogeographic regions, holding its own set of species, herein mapped according to their extent of occurrence (EOO). We then contrasted these data in four different scenarios, according to the presence or absence of habitat loss and the presence or absence of the current protected area (PA) cover. We searched for non-random patterns of habitat loss and PA coverage among these biogeographic regions throughout the Cerrado. Finally, with the species EOO as biodiversity layers, we used Zonation to discuss contemporary PA distribution, as well as to highlight current priority areas for conservation within the Cerrado. We ran Zonation under all four conservation scenarios mentioned above.We observed that habitat loss and PA coverage significantly differed between biogeographic regions. The southernmost biogeographic region is the least protected and the most impacted, with priority areas highly scattered in small, disjunct fragments. The northernmost biogeographic region (Tocantins- Serra Geral) is the most protected and least impacted, showing extensive priority areas in all Zonation scenarios. Therefore, current and past deforestation trends are severely threatening biogeographic patterns in the Cerrado. Moreover, PA distribution is spatially biased, and does not represent biogeographic divisions of the Cerrado. Consequently, we show that biogeographic patterns and processes are being erased at an accelerated pace, reinforcing the urgent need to create new reserves and to avoid the loss of the last remaining fragments of once continuous biogeographic regions. These actions are fundamental and urgent for conserving biogeographic and evolutionary information in this highly imperiled savanna hotspot

    Para uma proposta de capacitação docente em psicologia pedagógica concreta

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    O presente artigo sintetiza os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos de uma proposta de Curso de Capacitação Docente, que tem como objetivo formar professores e graduandos de Psicologia e Pedagogia, isto é, levá-los a reflexão e conhecimento profundo acerca dos fundamentos teóricos e práticos da psicologia pedagógica concreta desenvolvida por L.S. Vigotski e colaboradores, buscando forjar nos educadores o efetivo compromisso com sua própria formação profissional, considerando a diversidade das demandas e contextos sócio-escolares nos quais atuam. Pretende-se com essa ação de extensão desenvolver o ideal do profissionalismo docente, em busca da superação da atitude espontaneista e em direção ao trabalho intencional cientificamente planejado e executado a partir dos fundamentos da psicologia pedagógica sócio-histórica. A Proposta estrutura-se a partir dos seguintes tópicos: Fundamentos Epistemológicos da Psicologia Pedagógica Vigotskiana; Do Processo Pedagógico ou da Tarefa Educacional; Educação pelo Trabalho e pela Arte; Metodologia de Pesquisa Científica em Psicologia Escolar e Pedagogia; Temáticas Contemporâneas e fenômenos emergentes em contexto Escolar.   Palavras-chave: Capacitação Docente. Psicologia Pedagógica. Ensino-Aprendizagem. Vigotski. Pedagogia Concreta. 


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    Paolo Torresan, Intelligenze e didattica delle lingue di Mario Polito;Renate N. Caine, Geoffrey Caine, Carol L. McClintic, Karl J. Klimek, Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action: The Fieldbook for Making Connections, Teaching, and the Human Brain di Giuseppe Longo;Claude Dubar, La socialisation. Construction des identités sociales et professionelles di Elena Zambianchi;Marc Jeannerod, Motor Cognition. What actions tell the self di Patrizia Tortella;Massimo Baldacci, La dimensione emozionale del curricolo.L’educazione affettiva razionale nella scuola di Cristiano Chiuss


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    Paolo Torresan, Intelligenze e didattica delle lingue di Mario Polito; Renate N. Caine, Geoffrey Caine, Carol L. McClintic, Karl J. Klimek, Brain/Mind Learning Principles in Action: The Fieldbook for Making Connections, Teaching, and the Human Brain di Giuseppe Longo; Claude Dubar, La socialisation. Construction des identités sociales et professionelles di Elena Zambianchi; Marc Jeannerod, Motor Cognition. What actions tell the self di Patrizia Tortella; Massimo Baldacci, La dimensione emozionale del curricolo. L’educazione affettiva razionale nella scuola di Cristiano Chiuss


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    Este estudo objetivou realizar uma revisão de literatura sintética referente à elaboração do luto nos profissionais de enfermagem frente ao processo de morte e morrer dos pacientes sob seus cuidados. A coleta de dados foi realizada no segundo quadrimestre do ano de 2018 através de artigos encontrados na Base de Dados Virtual (BVS). A análise dos dados realizada, a partir de adaptação da teoria de Bardin, gerou cinco categorias: significados da morte para os profissionais de enfermagem no exercício de suas funções, emoções e sentimentos relatados diante do processo de morte e morrer dos pacientes sob seus cuidados, reações diante da morte e estratégias utilizadas para enfrentamento do luto, preparo emocional diante do processo de morte e morrer. Concluiu-se que é necessária a inserção da temática na formação acadêmica e potencializar suas formas de enfrentamento encontradas

    Social Support Mediates the Relationship between Body Image Distress and Depressive Symptoms in Prostate Cancer Patients

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    Treatments for prostate cancer (PCa), the second most common cancer in men, may affect the body image (BI) of patients, increasing the risk of negative mental health outcomes. However, an enabling social support network may be a protective factor against the effects of BI distress on health. Therefore, the present study examined the mediating role of social support in the relationship between BI distress and depressive symptoms. Data were retrospectively collected from 197 PCa patients aged from 48 to 79 years (M = 67.19; SD = 6.83). The statistical package for the social sciences with PROCESS Macro was used to assess the direct and mediating effects with bias-corrected bootstrapping (10,000 samples). Results showed that BI distress was positively associated with depressive symptoms and that social support partially mediated this relationship. Moreover, among the different sources of social support, only friend support significantly mediated the association between BI distress and depressive symptoms. This study sheds light on the crucial role of social support as a dimension that can promote health in PCa patients

    A cross-sectional study on demoralization in prostate cancer patients: The role of masculine self-esteem, depression, and resilience

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    Purpose: The current cross-sectional study had three objectives: (1) to assess the prevalence of depression and demoralization in a sample of prostate cancer (PCa) patients; (2) to examine whether masculine self-esteem and depression were associated with demoralization; and (3) to evaluate the role of resilience as a factor buffering the effects of masculine self-esteem and depression on demoralization. Methods: 197 PCa patients aged 48 to 79 years (M = 67.19; SD = 6.83) answered questions about masculine self-esteem, depression, resilience, and demoralization. An ANOVA was conducted to examine whether the association between demoralization and depressive symptoms was linear. A chi-square test was calculated to determine differences between depression and demoralization. Finally, a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis with interaction terms was conducted to examine the associations between masculine self-esteem, depression, resilience, and demoralization. Results: Depression scores increased linearly with demoralization severity, but demoralization scores were higher than depression scores (21.3% vs. 15.2%). Lower scores on masculine self-esteem and higher scores on depressive symptoms were associated with greater demoralization. Resilience significantly moderated the association between masculine self-esteem and demoralization, but not between depression and demoralization. Conclusion: Assessment of depression, masculine self-esteem, resilience, and demoralization in the clinical setting is critical for improving the mental health status of PCa patients

    A violência no ambiente escolar: uma discussão da psicologia crítica

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    A escola na contemporaneidade tem sido palco de vários atos violentos em decorrência da fragilidade e superficialidade das relações. Em uma sociedade que tem estimulado a competitividade e o distanciamento afetivo entre os sujeitos, o descaso torna-se evidente nas depredações da instituição e se exteriorizam para ações violentas e agressivas entre os indivíduos que a compõem. Neste artigo, buscou-se realizar um levantamento bibliográfico acerca do fenômeno da violência, com foco no ambiente escolar, a partir da perspectiva social histórico-crítica de Vygotsky. Com base na literatura pesquisada, foi possível concluir que é imprescindível que se estabeleça, no ambiente escolar, relações e mediações saudáveis, de forma que permita a expressividade e independência do aluno. Além disso, a prevenção à violência é necessária em todos os níveis, por isso torna-se importante o papel da psicologia neste contexto.